Origin of original BCIVS song
1937, Seniors Mary Vera Thomson (1918-1997) (Lyrics) and James William Ketcheson (1919-2017)(music) created the BCIVS song.
We've the right, right, right, to fight, fight, fight for our own BCI
With our might, might, might yes we'll fight, fight, fight and you'll hear our vict-ry cry
We're keen, keen, keen for our team, team, team and we'll fight for the B. V. _ _ S
And we'll play the game And we'll win fame for our school and her suc-cess
So play up and play to win play the game Give the best that you may have
To your own school and the tri col-oured team and the coach who has help'ed us to win
So we'll come out on top of the heap Come on let's give them a cheer
RAH! and you know that we owe success to dear old B.C.I.V.S. RAH! RAH!